Sunday, September 20, 2009

Laurie: Physical Therapist (A Career Romance for Young Moderns) by Lois Hobart

Copyright 1957.

This book, like Elaine Forrest, seems to be very well researched, and even carries the stamp of approval from the American Physical Therapy Association. Laurie loved science in school, and decided to use those skills to be become a physical therapist. She couldn't afford medical school to become a doctor, and really did not care to go into nursing. Her parents died in a car accident when she was a young child, and then her aunt raised in Wisconsin. With her first full-time physical therapy position, she moves to Philadelphia, and is terribly homesick at first. She loves her new job, though. She works with patients who have experienced various accidents and illnesses, including several recovering case of polio - and in fact, there is a minor epidemic of polio in the course of the book, because the vaccine has not yet erradicated it as yet. A new orthopedic doctor has come to the hospital, and they work together to photograph the progress of the patients. This doctor is very gruff and guarded at first, so Laurie doesn't know what to think. Will Laurie find out his secrets? Will Laurie quit her job after she marries this doctor? I seem to be left to think that this might happen .

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